If you think that "convert" is offensive, that was not my intention.

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Posted by Maciek on July 23, 2001 at 12:25:53:

In Reply to: I couldn't think of a catchy title posted by JRM on July 23, 2001 at 11:53:49:

Nice to see you back Josh :).

You say pulled out inflator in my hand at 80' is a bad thing. I agree. But I would like to know first how frequent such failure is. That doesn't sound as a life or death issue as long as you have hard bottom and even without one, weights are there to dump them. With proper weighting off you go up.. not too fast, not too slow.

Actually I need to try that - dump all air from BC at 80' and try to get out just using fins.

As for dumping air in horizontal by lifting inflator, I don't buy it. Tried it - result is me dumping air vertically. Back valve is only reasonable option in my opinion. Hard to find the sucker without lil plastic knob dangling there. So you say it wasn't that painful to get used to? Good to know :).


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