Rear dump finding. Should be: Where the ^#%@$ is it!

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Posted by JRM on July 23, 2001 at 12:44:51:

In Reply to: If you think that "convert" is offensive, that was not my intention. posted by Maciek on July 23, 2001 at 12:25:53:

The best way I've found to find that string is to find the valve with my fingers, and then just keep trying till I get the string. It isn't an exact science, and usually results with my in a horrific mess, but I've noticed marked improvement in my skill at finding it even over a few dives. I figure, in another 10 or so I should have it down. Of course, you warm water folks don't have to worry about things like gloves ;-0

Now if I can just figure out how to reach my tank valve without turning sommersaults. Letting your buddy manipulate your valves is dangerous. We had a real OOA issue on Sunday because someone's buddy (the lowly moron) forgot to turn his air back on after a drill (sorry ptf, I won't do that again!).


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