Re: sounds like the real thing was similar to the subsequent training, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Grunt on September 14, 2001 at 22:53:22:

In Reply to: Re: sounds like the real thing was similar to the subsequent training posted by retrodiver on September 14, 2001 at 21:44:12:

I called San Francisco during the gulf war build up and tried to re-up and the Marine Corps Major said welcome aboard and how long did I want to sign up for. I told him about 2-3 weeks just long enough to win a war and he said 2 year minimum. I politely thanked him and returned to CNN. Was surprised to see my old Jump Master. He was a shit bird Captain when I last seen his ugly rear end but now he was a Full Bird in charge of tracks at Pendleton... Was surprised to see my old unit pinned down on top of some buildings outside of Kuwait caliing in the big guns on the republican guard positions. They were in a great position until a news photographer spotted some movement a top some buildings and the rest of the unit had to come and rescue them. News cameras present in a war zone means you cannot execute the war as needed to win. civilians lose heart when the blood starts to flow. I couldn't hump a ruck like I used to but I could steal a vehicle and make my way to the front with the grunts. We're going to have to muster some courage to fight this enemy. It will be like hunting the tunnels, no start and no finish.

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