Burst Discs

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Posted by Kevin on November 05, 2001 at 15:11:36:

In Reply to: is overfilling why DIR sanctions low pressure steel tanks? posted by Karl S. on November 05, 2001 at 14:30:22:

Karl S wrote:

" Not all burst discs are rated the same.
They come loose too, just like anything else that
is made of metal and which undergoes temperature
changes. They need to be tightened occasionally,
just like all metal fittings need to be, and
much more than just once a year during
annual inspection.
Before every dive is a good idea."

Dear Karl:

A properly installed burst disc assembly never needs to be tightened.

They never need to be "tightened occasionally".

A burst disc is not examined once a year, once installed, they are never to be opened, unless it is to replace them.

Tightening a burst disc ...."Before every dive is a good idea". No. That is incorrect information.

If you want to learn about burst discs, take the various manufacturer's repair technician's courses. And take Bill High's visual inspection course.


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