Re: A fact or two, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Kendall Raine on November 07, 2001 at 09:24:31:

In Reply to: My goal.................. posted by GLnSD on November 07, 2001 at 08:57:06:

You wrote: "Bugies on slates and other "instruments" should not be used to attache them to your body. To be of any use they have to be put on to tight at the surface leaving to someone, and in this case someone with little experience, to judge how tight is to tight etc."

I'll take some interpretive liberties with your creative spelling and diction (your strength is your bank account, after all) and infer you think using a "bungie" requires someone to overtighten. This is not true. The use of a bungie actually allows someone to keep the strap relatively loose at the surface. As a wetsuit contracts with depth, the bungie tightens insuring a uniform degree of tightness regardless of depth. The traditional rubber strap, on the other hand, requires overtightening at the surface to account for wetsuit contraction at depth. Rubber straps also break whereas bungie just loses its elasticity over time. It's certainly possible to overtighten a bungie, or rubber strap, but that's an issue of execution, not design.

Perhaps some day you'll take up diving and see what I mean.

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