Re: Misunderstanding what I say

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Ken Kurtis on November 07, 2001 at 12:30:24:

In Reply to: Understanding the *solutions* before you get into the water posted by MHK on November 07, 2001 at 10:30:27:

(FTR, this will be my only comment is this thread.)

Michael, I think (once again) your obvious distatste for OUR nitrox position (remember I happen to have a business partner who agrees with me on this) blinds you to the underlying message in the piece you quoted me on.

I'm not arguing the relative merits of nitrox, air, trimix, PADI, NAUI, GUE, DIR, etc. Frankly, I think a lot of it degenerates into childish babble.

All I'm saying is that ALL diving has risk. In other words, it doesn't matter what gas you dive or whose rules you follow . . . nothing is 100% guarteed NOT to get you bent.

And all the Monday-morning quarterbacking in the world doesn't change any of that. All we're doing is guessing.

It has nothing to do with problems and solutions but involves an overall dive plan that hopefully avoids problems, with contingencies thrown in if something goes amiss. As part of her overall plan, I believe that if Marta had done a longer stop at 15', she might not have gotten bent. You believe that if she had dove a 32% mix she would not have gotten bent. But the bottom line is that neither one of us knows for sure and there's no way to really know if either one of us is right . . . or wrong. It's all speculation.

But back to the original point: ALL diving has risk and nothing is 100% bends-proof (other than the aforementioned not diving or not coming up if you do dive).

Michael, if you want to contend that you're got a method that 100% guarantees you won't get bent, I'm sure the entire industry will anxious to hear what you have to say. But absent that, there's risk in ALL methods and the point is to undertand those risk, choose the syetem that works for you, and manage that risk as best your can.

Ken Kurtis
NAUI Instr. #5936
Co-owner, Reef Seekers Dive Co.
Beverly Hills, Ca.

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