Re: postscript, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Maddiver on December 18, 2001 at 19:55:48:

In Reply to: Re: postscript posted by Steve on December 18, 2001 at 13:58:03:


Its obvious that you and I can play with semantics all day long (and have in the past). But I will directly answer your question that *yes* I can unclip with either hand yet it is much more difficult with the right (and impossible with three stages on but then with three stages why would I need to unclip it?). Also though, there isn't a dive that I go one with any type of tank that I don't know within +/- 100 psi gauge of where I am at (btw this is a requirement for successful completion of the advanced GUE class like Tech 3 which fewer than 75 individuals have passed). Take a break from the verbal gymnastics and realize what I was saying "with this (or variations of this system) lies in rescue and the ability to free yourself quickly from the rig. During drills we found that some had woven the console through each arm hole making an easy extraction near impossible with three gauge console" does that implicate you as doing the both arm hole style? No. Thanks I will 'clip and unclip to my hearts content'. And anything that goes through one arm hole of the bc when connected to a console still presents an entanglement hazard when a fast ditch is needed or you just need to hand it up and into the zodiac (this was evident in the Galapagos when a diver with this stylistic choice seemed to struggle on every other dive to get back in). Doesn't work for me and I've tried it but if you wanna do it by all means indulge yourself. Notice I said nothing derogatory about people who choose this system and will refrain from doing so. I was sharing my observations, if touched a nerve it was not intended.

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