Sounds like a pain to use

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Posted by Wayne on January 02, 2002 at 16:14:16:

In Reply to: DIVER GPS "KIT" NOW AVAILABLE! posted by Mark Thome on January 02, 2002 at 14:46:42:

OK, so I see how they work, and that is what bothers me. Let's say I am diving in 75 fsw. I decide that it is time to head back. I uncoil the rope and allow this unit to float to the surface. I leave it there long enough for it to get a position fix. Then I drag it back down and coil up >75 feet of rope. Now I use my compass and navigate back to the start position.

I prefer to look at the compass every now and then and know which way back. Or come to the surface (at least from the depths where you could safely and reasonably use this gizmo) and take a compass bearing to the boat.

I have been involved in a couple of things where I would like to mark an underwater "spot" for maping type activities. This is the one area that I think this unit would be useful. But again, if it is shallow enough that I would be willing to deploy and retrieve the unit, I might as well surface and take compass readings to a few landmarks. If it is a deeper place, I can't bring it along anyway. If I am in kelp, it might not reach the surface, or might not come back easily.

Anyway, it won't make my wish list.


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