Re: Response to the OMS thread

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Posted by Kendall Raine on May 15, 2002 at 08:40:08:

In Reply to: Re: Response to the OMS thread posted by seahunt on May 14, 2002 at 22:44:48:


The posts about the RDP and OMS yesterday had nothing to do with DIR, GUE, George Irvine, Mike Kane, past battles or anything other than RDP and OMS.

Anyone who says otherwise, I'm not suggesting you are, is obfuscating the issues.

Eric S asked why some people here didn't like OMS. I tried to explain why. If he chooses to diregard the logic, that's fine with me.

Tecdiver took issue with my motivation in criticizing OMS suggesting I had a need to denigrate OMS to make myself feel better about having purchased Halcyon gear. I tried to set him straight. This is the same guy(?) who leveled charges of duplicity and cover up against PADI and the authors of the DSAT RDP work. I couldn't care less about PADI but the guys who developed the RDP aren't PADI or the modern version of DSAT. They're highly respected people in the field and tecdiver hasn't produced one shred of evidence to support his allegations. Not one. I have given tecdiver every opportunity to defend his assertions and all I've seen so far is side slipping and evasion. For someone so vigorously in pursuit of the last word he(?) has precious little of substance to say. He's the one who brought DIR into this.

I hope everyone can keep that in mind.

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