Re: Response to the OMS thread

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Posted by seahunt on May 14, 2002 at 22:44:48:

In Reply to: Re: Response to the OMS thread posted by tecdiver on May 14, 2002 at 22:27:27:

Hey Mister Tecdiver,
I can't keep a score card, so a qestion or two for you.
Are you familiar with the history of DIR on this board, say from 8/2000 (JW post on 3 buddies) to what was it, say 3/2002 when the new board started... in response to the "fury of DIR".
You may not be aware, but that storm blew through a while ago and most of the locals remember it well. Of course I think you've just proven that it has some breeze left to it, but it's pretty much by the by.
Just curious,
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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