Re: Boat Mr. C

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Senor Tiburon on September 02, 2002 at 20:27:42:

In Reply to: Re: Boat Mr. C posted by HD on September 02, 2002 at 10:22:07:

I suggest you walk in my shoes first, before you open your pie hole. Every "dive" boat I have ever been on has supplied tanks. I don't know what tugs you're diving from. And I have 3 tanks of my own, which I could have brought if I had been advised to do so. Which I was not. You know nothing of the situation, and you were not in attendance, so your opinion is unimportant, and one of ignorance and ego. And considering the attitude I received from the "captain", I would not have enjoyed myself anyway. I did do some research and called their number listed under CA dive boats, left a message, which was never returned, as well as the dive shop on Sunday. It was hardly a lack of preparation on my part. It was the lack of communication of the boat and the dive shop. In regards to your comments about asking about the equipment, and not having any experience with the boat, just proves my point about what an idiot you are, and the fact that you're sticking your nose into something you have no first hand knowledge of. You sleeping with the captain or what? Must be difficult inserting fins in that pie hole of your's consistently. Get a life and go gamble or something.

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