Divers Cove Dive 02 Sep 02

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Melvin on September 02, 2002 at 22:52:07:

Dove Divers cove today at 7:08 p.m. High Tide at 6:21 p.m. 5.5Ft. Visibility 10-15 ft. Total Dive Time: 45:20 minutes. Sea 2-3 ft waves with long lulls between. Easy entry. Water Temp 57 degrees (SUUNTO).

Swam out on the surface along the rock reef on the west side. Dove down in 15 feet of water and continued along the reef to the end, then out over the sand looking for more. Spotted one small bat ray and one thornback ray, some sand bass. Found one poached lobster carcass. Some low life had tailed a monster lobster. The body cavity was large enough to acomidate my gloved fist. The kill appeared to fresh as there was still some meat floating in the water.

Terminated the dive with 1200 PSI. My dive suit is in the shop for repairs, and the rental suit was just not cutting it and the dive was just not all that interesting.

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