The Person

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Capt Strange and Grumpy on November 18, 2002 at 21:06:48:

In Reply to: Nope posted by Brad on November 18, 2002 at 20:21:13:

When the person is out of control and attacking and individual or group without merit, I would consider that to be rude.

You still have not provided documentation that supports your claims. If "squid lights", not "squid boats" are the problem, then say so. Don't accuse "squid boats" or "bait boats" as I would refer to them as the problem. You seem to have a bent to attack the commercial fishing industry, "squid boats" as you called them. Now that I have brought to your attention that they don't normally operate at SBI, you attack "squid lights". I have to admit that sport fishing boats use "squid lights" to aquire bait for the use of their passengers and they would normally be involved in that activity at SBI. Hardly the threat to the enviornment you describe.

In the meetings that I attended, "Squid boats" were never mentioned by name. Again, please provide source and reference information.

BTW, you seem very supportive of the fact, as you relate it, that all boaters should pay the penalty for the activities of the few you seem to think are the problem. I hope you enjoy being restricted from anchoring at SBI



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