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Posted by seahunt on February 08, 2004 at 10:27:53:

In Reply to: 44's are a spring thing, not winter. posted by Chuck Tribolet on February 08, 2004 at 06:35:37:

44 degrees is chill. I found 43 at Albion in May and that was enough to burn the skin. Oddly enough I was comfortable diving in it, in a wetsuit that I had already tried to retire.
Come on anyway. Late winter, Spring. What's the difference. We don't have seasons in California
Well, more to the point, I have been working on the three essays for visiting divers. One for the Bay Area, one for LA and one for San Diego. They aren't complete and as you point out, they might not be perfectly accurate, so, you as a local knowledgable Monterey diver are quite welcome to offer and information or clarifications you think I should have on the web page. You seem to think that a more accurate temp range would be perhaps 45 to 60 degrees. Could you perhaps offer a link to the Bay Area Divers site... or is it just a mailing list.
Ya know, my experiences in the Monterey Bay may be quite different than yours. I only dove Monterey, Monestary, Carmel and a bit south a few times. My site is a bit of a maze, but you might want to glance at these links for a different view of diving there than you might be most familiar with. I'm also still trying to verify my claim about about Santa Cruz. No one has yet disagreed. ... I used to spend 3 hours swimming in the water there all through winter.
Enjoy, seahunt

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