The Giants continue to be threatened...., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Brad on February 24, 2004 at 17:24:41:

I copied and pasted this from another board. i know that the mere sighting of a giant will make any dive trip a memorable experience so i think we all have an interest in the preservation of these incredible fish:

"Yesterday Monday Feb 23rd I recieved a phone call from a friend that was at the fish market in San Pedro near Ports of CALL, He told me that among other species was a 60lb black sea bass on display, He asked the person behind the counter what it was, they told him a black sea bass that a woman had brought it in the same morning and the fish had been caught in Catalina. His question to me was, can a commercial fisherman legally catch these type of fish for the market,
I think not. but I don't know everything, Mexico fish maybe.
Catalina I dont think so"

"Funny you posted this as I had a similair experience the other day, Sat 21st. Working in Oxnard I stopped by a local fresh-fish place that doubles as a fish market and restaurant. Was looking to order when I looked into the case and saw the most BEAUTIFUL fillets of fish; BSB for $12 per #. They looked SPECTACULAR in there. What the....? I asked the girl behind the counter and she said they get that response often from fisherman customers. While not clear on the details it sounded like what Malibu said...something about being able to have one b/c it was caught on "their" boat...I guess a commerical job. I was shocked...that was news to me for sure. Might have to go back and try it if it is a legal thing..."

"I was just finishing up making bait at the belmont pier for some Halibut fishing when as i was packing up to go someone goes Bendo. So i figure that I would stick around to see what it was (thought it was a mud marlin). Well 10 minutes later the fish gets to the surface and it turned out to be a Black Seabass about 32inches long maybe a little bit bigger. I thought to myself Cool that is not something you see every day. Me and another person making bait walked over to the guy congratulated the person then informed him that it was a Black Seabass and it was illegal to keep the fish. But of course he told us off. Left the pier pissed and wishing I had the DFG Tip line number. Well Now I do have it on a card in my truck."

8380. (a) Giant seabass (Stereolepis gigas) may not be taken for
any purpose, except that not more than one fish per vessel may be
possessed or sold if taken incidentally in commercial fishing
operations by gill or trammel net. Any fish so taken shall not be
transferred to any other vessel.
(b) The restrictions specified in this section shall not apply to
1,000 pounds of giant seabass per trip taken in waters lying south of
the International Boundary Line between the United States and Mexico
extended westerly into the Pacific Ocean. Fish taken under this
provision, however, shall be limited to a maximum aggregate of 3,000
pounds per vessel in any calendar year. A current fishing permit
issued by the Mexican government constitutes valid evidence that the
giant seabass were taken south of the international boundary.

See line item 3 at the link below.

This exploitation occured within the last couple of weeks. If we are to preserve those most magnificent residents of OUR waters, something must be done soon. I was particularly surprised that all the proof needed to establish where a Giant was caught was a licence from mexico? That represents an egregious lapse of enforcement. Until the fish markets are prohibited from selling Giant Sea Bass, the pressure to kill and sell them will remain as a major threat to the recovery of the specie. The giants are just starting to come back and that could be a major attraction for the dive boats if this exploitation is properly addressed by the DFG and the commission.

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