Bag or sausage for ascent versus SOS

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Sven on April 11, 2004 at 22:16:22:

This is kind of a follow-on question to the discussion Kaz started about rebreather ascents.

Assuming you are in really low visibility, shooting a bag or sausage is a really easy way to get a deco or safety stop reference. I haven't done so yet, but there were a few times when laziness made me seriously consider it.

One reason why I have not done it is that I've worried that a sausage might be interpreted as a distress signal here in So. Cal..

This leads to the two questions:

One, would a sausage be interpreted as a distress signal ?

Two, if a suasage is _not_ interpreted as a distress signal how would one use a suasage to signal distress from depth ? IOW, get someone to go over to it and read the slate which says "need more deco air" or whatever ?

In reality, only the first question is a real question as I don't ever plan to run low on air, but the answer to the second, hypothetical question, is still of interest.



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