Dive Flags

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Tyler on August 14, 2004 at 20:58:44:

I have read all the messages about the Bottomscracher you guys posted. I have worked with captain Gregg in the past, for a Boeing job. (He was on his boat, and I was on mine.) And also have been a passanger on his boat. Now I run a commercial diving boat, not a SCUBA boat, but a real commercial boat. I always see you guys posting messages about dive flags and such. But does anyone know how far you really have to stay? And in one message I read "and he came inside of my boat" how far off the island were you? I offen have to weave inside of privete boats anchored way to far out. And you know what I still stay out of your little circle (and it is little, remeber that) that gives you so much false security. Also to you privte boats the "A" flag does nessicaly mean diver down, I can fly it under-weight, and there are jobs I perform where I do. You know what, many a time little boats have cut my stern while doing this, now I didn't have divers in the water, but still it was up and I was still passed within 150feet. I have never had problem with this from the commercial operators both the sports guys or the real commercial workboats. So in closing don't be so ignorant. If you guys have anything to say just post it here and I WILL reply.

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