Dive trip report: Explorer to Anacapa on 1/30/05

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Posted by Dick Analog on February 01, 2005 at 21:59:27:

I've posted a trip report (with a few accompanying photos) for an excursion last weekend (Sunday, Jan 30th) aboard the dive boat Explorer out of Ventura Harbor. We dove at two sites on the back(South) side of West Anacapa Island. Follow the link to the "Water Planet" page at:


For those who are interested in comparing the pros and cons of film vs. digital underwater photography, I included one digital photograph which demonstrates how one can extract remarkable detail from a seemingly bland image.

On the other hand, a few weeks ago I had a chance to shoot a roll of film with a borrowed underwater camera and found the film-based photographs to be much more interesting when compared to digital images I had taken of similar subject matter. The film images didn't have the "electronic harshness" that is often apparent in digital photos. Based on my very limited experience with both media, I'd have to say that in the hands of an experienced photographer, a sophisticated film camera will produce images that are more aesthetically pleasing than its digital counterpart.

Best regards to all.

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