
Re: Re: My two cents, FWIW +

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Roland on June 23, 2006 at 09:42:57:

In Reply to: Re: My two cents, FWIW + posted by Josh on June 23, 2006 at 09:26:25:

It's a shame to see someone bring up the topic of diving safe and then see everyone jump all over him.

Remove the references to DIR and "Tech" from the discussion since these words seem to ignite the fires on this board (even though DIR was not part of the original post). Most experienced divers are aware that deep air diving has many more risks associated with it, much more than diving air within the rec limits. Choosing to disregard the advances in gas blending and some of the training/diving protocol that is being taught is just stupid. It's right up there with choosing not to wear your seat belt. You may never have a car accident, but does that make everyone who uses a seat belt "full of it"? Does it make the everyone who decides not to wear a seat belt unsafe?...I think so.

In the end, everyone has the right to dive as they deem safe. You accept certain risks everytime you enter the water. Just think before you start attacking a discussion, especially if your agenda is to discredit the person and not to actually address the topic at hand. I was looking forward to reading the replies when I saw the original post. Too bad some had to trash it.

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