
Buddy Inspiration

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Kendall Raine on September 19, 2006 at 09:18:37:

There have been two Buddy Inspiration fatalities in the last month or so in LA. Both were reportedly solo dives. Here is a link to an Inspiration dedicated site which Ross sent me. The site lists specifics of 25 Inspiration deaths as of April 2005. I have heard higher numbers of fatalities but don't have a specific list. Those are big numbers regardless of any reasonable estimate of the denominator. The website says 6,000 as of some years ago. Can anyone imagine what Ralph Nader would be saying if the Inspiration were a car? There is also a comprehensive analysis by Irvine of the design flaws of the Inspiration together with a rebuttal to Irvine's analysis. Regardless of your opinion of Irvine the point counterpoint is worth a read.

Many of the accident analyses implicate operator error as primary cause of the fatalities, as well as some of the near misses. Failure to do checks, turn stuff on, replace scrubber, etc. Stuff people were presumably trained to do when they got the units. Who knows? They're dead and many of them died alone. Take away is the Inspiration, like all RB's, is considerably more complex and less forgiving than diving O/C. Why anyone would compound that risk by diving them solo is beyond my comprehension.

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