
A weight belt to die for

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Posted by Chris on November 19, 2006 at 13:48:12:

On Friday night November 17, 2006 the Great Escape was on the first day of a two-day charter with Adventure Plus a dive shop in St George, Utah.
The night dive was at Eagle Reef, Catalina Island. The conditions were dead calm with no perceptible swell, wind, or current. Daniel Goodrich (of Hurricane, Utah, age 24) and his buddy made the dive. At the end of the dive Daniel and his dive buddy surfaced together. Somehow Daniel lost his weight belt on the way up. When they reached the surface Daniel had 500 psi and his buddy had 400 psi remaining in their tanks. Instead of leaving the weight belt, Daniel and his buddy decided to go back down to retrieve it. On the way back down they became separated. Daniel’s buddy surfaced, but could not find Daniel. He swam back to the boat and reported Daniel missing.
A search was initiated which included Baywatch and the Coast Guard. The next morning Baywatch located Daniel’s body at a depth of 65 ft. lying on top of his weight belt.
Daniel Goodrich is survived by his wife and two children.

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