
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bird Rock, Sunday March 11

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Posted by Jesse on March 13, 2007 at 10:17:03:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Bird Rock, Sunday March 11 posted by Eric S on March 12, 2007 at 19:26:48:

The big deal is that I don’t want to put anyone’s life or safety at risk. I know that Catalina is close but that’s still a lot of water between the island and the mainland. My reason for asking those questions is that I’m fairly new to boating. I’ve only had my boat for about a year now and I want to get as much advice as possible from more experienced people. Like any responsible boater, I have flares, plenty of life jackets, lights, horns, etc. I also have Vessel Assist. But I’ve been dead in the water (DIW) before and I just want to see if there are some things I haven’t considered prior to heading out. Naturally, anyone will gain confidence with experience. After going out there once or twice, I’m sure I’ll be a lot less leary. My friends often accuse me of "acting like an old lady" because I always try to err on the side of caution. Anyway, thanks for the input. Heading out to Catalina is definitely on the to do list.

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