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Posted by msblucow on July 22, 2001 at 07:41:23:

In Reply to: Lets tell it the way it is. posted by seahunt on July 20, 2001 at 20:15:30:

Seahunt wrote:
"M critisized me for knee jerk reactions, but never critisized Michael's blatent dishonesty and harassment."

Let's see, where to start? How about this; I don't critique Michael for being 'blatently dishonest'because he is anything but. In fact he's brutally honest (maybe too brutal for your tastes). And as far as calling you on your knee-jerk reactions, need I remind you of the DIR demo back in March? The one where you had to be shouted down by the rest of the group because you were so pig-headed about the whole steel tank issue that you refused to yield the floor long after the rest of us had understood Michael's and JJ's rational explaination for their position? Now I know you're rather proud of being a self-appointed 'watchdog' for the truth, but what I witnessed that day wasn't someone doggedly going after hypocracy or lies, but someone who was so set in their ways, so happy to argue for argument's sake, and so desperate to be the center of attention, that he ground a seminar to a halt simply because he was too full of himself to listen. If this sounds harsh, then so be it. I never met you before and I had no preconceived notions about you, but I came away from that experienced with a new understanding. For you it's not about diving at all, it's about being the center of attention. Once I understood that, all your posts and 'positions' made sense to me. Sometimes you're entertaining seahunt, but mostly you're just sad. I have little respect for your positions and have learned to take everything you say with a grain of salt.

I'm sorry to have to post this, because frankly I think it will just encourage you to write yet another long, semi-comprehensible post, but I thought it should be said. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I feel.

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