You obviously missed the entire point!!!!!!!

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by MHK on July 23, 2001 at 09:11:15:

In Reply to: O2 Tox for MHK posted by Steve on July 21, 2001 at 00:00:59:

Diving hot nitrox mixtures all day -v- using 02 on deco are two different things..

I asked you in the original post did you know anything about re-setting the 02 clock and/or vascular restrictions????

Why not stop trying to always find something wrong with what we say, and why not stick within the realm of your limited diving knowledge...

You are way out of your league on these topics, but yet you want to come off as knowledgeable in the area..

I've noticed a tendancy in your posts to copy something from some TDI manual, or some website and then intriduce terms like isobaric counter diffusion or mammaliein reflex, and now this 02 position..

I don't mind if you don't know something about a topic, I'll be happy to help.. But when you try to pass yourself off as an expert and then claim I give potentially fatal advise, you may want to take a step back and review the history of this list and see who get's it right and see who sidetracks the issues...

Talk about giving potentially fatal advise, how about recomending FFM's, based on the limited experience of a aquarium tank, and telling someone else who is going to dive doubles, with multiple deco bottles, in ripping currents, in freezing water, while task loaded inseide a wreck...

If you want to talk about potentialy fatal advise, that's it.. And then when challenged you did the Clintonesque * confined waters* when specifically asked whether or not it was aquarium experience...

If you want help I'll give it to you.. If you want to continue to try to play stump the chump I'll continue to point out how out of your league you are..

The choice is yours...


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