You assume you're better/more experienced diver than them...

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by JRM on September 04, 2001 at 16:22:48:

In Reply to: teaching scuba to someone you really care about posted by Karl S. on September 04, 2001 at 16:09:23:

What if you're "special someone" is a much better/ more experienced diver than you? Will they spend a year snorkeling with you before they let you strap a tank on in their general vicinity?

My wife has been a diver for over 15 years, with a lot of diving here in CA. She also happens to be a Lifeguard Instructor Trainer, and when we met she was the aquatics coordinator for several large organizations.

I know a few other couples where the wife has encouraged the husband to get certified, or is by far the better diver. At the local jump center, when a couple shows up to dive (above water), they always have the female go first. Cuts down on the macho posturing, they say.

Interesting how things change when chauvanism becomes involved...


-- Four and the door

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