Re: AAARRGGGHHH! I got bent! Or did I?

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by MHK on November 06, 2001 at 16:40:26:

In Reply to: Re: AAARRGGGHHH! I got bent! Or did I? posted by msblucow on November 06, 2001 at 16:22:11:

You should have your doctor request the PFO and it will get covered by your insurance.. If you request it it may be considered elective and it might not get covered..

It's nearly impossible to truely figure out if in fact you had the bungee to tight, and even if so whether or not that was a contributory factor because in reviewing your profile it sure doesn't seem as though that you should have taken a hit..

I hope many will re-visit the notion of diving air deeper than 100' based upon your unfortunate experience..

As you know we recommend the use of Nitrox for all diving up to 100' and then we recommend the use of a helium based mix from 100' and deeper. And in my opinion it seems clear to me that the use of a 32% mix would have allowed [ even using the PADI conservative tables] 17 minutes at depth, whereas the PADI tables only provide for 9 minutes at depth.. Even if for the moment we put aside the obvious equivalent narcotic advantages of a Nitrox mix, you can clearly see an added bottom time advantage..

Ken Kurtis and I have had this argument so many time in the past and he has never got it and he continues to suggest that if you reach your M-value on air or whether you reach your M-value on Nitrox your tissues are still loaded, but he has continued to ignore the very fact of the matter that if you don't bring your tissue to their M-value on a nitrox based mix you substantially increase your safety margin.. In my view, especially since your correctly incorporated some deep stops into your profile, it's clear to me that your would have been better off on Nitrox and in my opinion you probably would not have taken a hit.. Admittedly, we'll never know for certain, but given that you didn't get treated for 4 hours it's an indication that this wasn't an explosive accumulation of excess nitrogen and that you were marginally above the recommended M-value and I believe that an oxygen enriched mix would have made all the difference in the world..

Hopefully this point will not get lost by the anti-Nitrox crowd who is so skilled at misdirection..

Thanks again for sharing...


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