in addition, deep stops on NitrOx help whereas deep air stops hurt

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Posted by Karl S. on November 07, 2001 at 10:46:27:

In Reply to: Understanding the *solutions* before you get into the water posted by MHK on November 07, 2001 at 10:30:27:

good anaysis of the issue of NitrOx vs Air diving, MikeK. you left out the part about the benefit of deep NitrOx stops vs Air in that case. MsBlucow did a deep air stop, relatively deep, for her, for her dive, and since she was past NDL it may very well have made things worse, whereas if she had been using NitrOx there could have been a benefit to the "deep stop."

if you pulled some of your punches with KenK, this wouldnt turn into such a brawl without closure, maybe.

I suspect that NAUI does in fact have differing doctrinal policies on NitrOx than does PADI or SSI or IANTD or TDI or GUE. there is nothing Ken can do about that.

NAUI does in fact have a tech diving program with NitrOx and TriMix. NAUI simply seems to have a different view of the place of NitrOx within the whole scheme of things. I am no expert on NAUI, I only know what I have been told.

maybe someday NAUI will change their viewpoint and policy. who knows? maybe someday GUE will stop ripping off other divers' masks underwater and taking them through deco that way. who knows??

see you laterrrrrr!!!!!

/s/ Karl S.
TDI Advanced Nitrox

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