Your European preciseness sucks, but metric rules

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Posted by Eins on July 12, 2002 at 07:49:14:

In Reply to: Re: Not really. posted by Maciek on July 12, 2002 at 06:42:23:

You're way too precise for these Americans! Coarse does it. Once you understand the practical formula (in which the factor is only 2.5%), you will realize that the possible difference between weight and water displacement is not big enough to really make a significant difference in the result.

Using the metric system would have made things so much easier:
1 liter of fresh water weighs 1 kg.
1 liter of average salt water weighs 1.025 kg.

To displace the same amount of salt water (for the same amount of diver), you need to add 0.025 kg for each kg the diver weighs (OK, displaces). There, 2.5%.

It is just so much easier to determine one's weight vs. determining the water displacement.


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