Re: Oh lordy!

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by SteveK on May 18, 2003 at 15:45:02:

In Reply to: Oh lordy! posted by mike on May 17, 2003 at 13:34:06:

"If i stuck 25 # of fish (which i do when i get out to San Mig :) it'd last me the better part of three to six months in my freezer,"

Sushi bars are a very efficient way to feed seafood lovers fish with little waste. That 25 pounds of fish would feed a lot of people, say twenty. Tying your response to Chris's question. Would it be healthier for the ocean if twenty people that have a craving to eat fish rather than go to a sushi bar, pick up a spear gun and kill twenty pounds of fish each and put it in the freezer? I don't think so. Now multiply the number of people that eat at sushi bars, to get their small portion of fish, and you would rather they each start spearing fish and freezing it?? ;-)

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