
Re: Visiting SoCal in October

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Posted by seahunt on July 21, 2010 at 20:48:17:

In Reply to: Visiting SoCal in October posted by James Padfield on July 21, 2010 at 09:32:01:

James, Bad luck. October is the start of lobster season. Boats are busy. SoCal is pretty big. Where abouts will you be? You might want to take a Northern boat like the Peace, Spectre or Truth Aquatics to the Northern Channel Islands. If you are further south, you might go on the Great Escape, Pacific Star or Sand Dollar. Further South towards San Diego are more boats and different destinations. All the boats, their locations and web sites are listed at http://californiadiveboats.com/. If you know where and when you'll be, Make a reservation early. If you can go mid-week, your chances of getting on will be better.
Where do you expect to be in SoCal?
Enjoy the diving, seahunt
You can find stories about all the islands and all the CAlifornia diving for that matter at seahunt Diving For The Fun Of It. Check out the lobster pics. We get big ones.

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