
Hoop nets are really traps

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Posted by Rick_Coleman on May 20, 2013 at 14:57:01:

I made a post earlier today under the thread for proposed lobster season changes, but thought my post would get lost sitting in the middle of a stale thread. It appears that nothing is on the table in regards to changes impacting hoop netters. In my opinion the proliferation of hoop netting has gotten completely out of control. Hoop netters are permitted to use 5 nets per person and 10 per vessel. Due to this, many areas, especially early in the season become an endless sea of hoop nets. Additionally, the hoop nets I see in use currently entrap lobsters, which should not be permitted. Hoop nets use to lay completely flat on the bottom allowing lobsters to walk on and off the net, but now they have a raised outer edge, preventing the lobsters escape. Here's a sample video from from one of my dives which shows how the lobsters become trapped:

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