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Posted by Lori on February 21, 2005 at 01:15:36:

In Reply to: You have to be kidding!! posted by Max on February 20, 2005 at 22:11:31:

I was there (FEB 19th) and I can tell you that going over to Catalina was NOT fun! It was raining a bit but, it wasn't the rain that bothered me so much but, being sea sick really sucks! I didn't have to go to the bow but, I almost did. I was wearing Sea Bands, some people swear by them but, I'm not going to. (they didn't work for me...well maybe they help a little because I was able to hold on to my food) I probably would have felt better if I just let it go, lol. I had also taken Bonine the night before and a 1/2 a pill a couple of hours before getting on the boat. There were about 5 people that hung at the bow the whole time....sick as dogs.

There were 6 divers that got off of the boat. I was one of the divers that thought about it I would have been the 7th but, decided to stay and try and tough it out. My concern was the ride home. I was assured it would not be half as bad. The ride home was only a 3rd of what we had on the way there.

I was so wet and cold, by the time we got to the first dive site I decided to sit the first dive out and bundle up in my bunk and get warm and dry before I got wet again. Actually a couple of other divers did the same.
By the time the divers were getting back on the boat from their first dive, I was suited up and ready to get in the water by the 2nd dive.

Vis wasn't bad at all, 20 - 30 feet with flat conditions. My log book is in my truck, it's pouring down rain and I'm in my PJs or I would go out and get it and tell you where we were. I've only been diving since April 04 and haven't gotten to know all the Catalina dive sites yet. I know the first site was Eagle Reef. Figures I would remember that one and I didn't even dive. I ended up going on 3 out of the 4 dives.
The last dive "Yellowtail?" something.....I wasn't going to go on this dive because I wanted to get warm and dry for the ride home. I ended up diving it anyway, figured I would go for 10 min. just to see what there was to see but, ended up being the last one back on the boat. I was razzed about that one, lol.

Had a great time diving all in all. Got a bit cold for me but, it was worth it. I'm really glad I stayed on the boat. I would have really regretted getting off of the boat. I tried out my new Light and Motion video housing. It worked great! I'm really happy with it. Can't wait to try it out when I go to Maui in a couple of weeks. (I wish Maui had kelp!)

Anyway the food on the Sand Dollar was excellent! They fed us all day long. I didn't go home hungry.

The crew was great! Very friendly and helpful. Would go with the Sand Dollar again? Hmmmm....Not in FEB!

It was especially great, diving with Hollywoodivers. Thanks for a great day guys!

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