Women Divers

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Posted by BENTMAN on December 20, 2000 at 07:11:50:

I know I'm going to take alot of hate mail about this topic, but
I just wanted someone else's opinion on their observation of women
divers as I have. First of all, I love women. At least we've set the record straight. In any event, I have been diving for about 1 1/2 years now, and I've been to Cozumel, Cancun, St. Lucia, Channel Islands and Catalina diving. In that 1 1/2 years time of diving, my observation has been that there are not that many slim, trim and good looking women to look at in diving. I know they are out there, but the trend seems to be more on the obese side of things when it comes to women divers. I know we all were not born beautiful, but when I look at other recreational activities that we all do, and I noted that women are fairly slender for the most part, in those other activities, such as jet skiing, rock and roll groupies,volleyball and surfing, and they tend to be better looking. However, I think womens softball comes close to scuba divers, if you know what I mean. Anyway, what's your take on this ? I know its not because they all wear wet suits, because I've seen them above and below the water. Is it because their husbands drag them out to go diving and they really don't want to go after having kids ? As a safety precaution, the research is out there on being trimmer as you get older, to prevent taking a hit, so this is another reason to stay in shape for both men and women.

Dive safe.

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