Eins, you're living in denial

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Posted by MHK on February 06, 2001 at 09:54:48:

In Reply to: Re: Cause and effect posted by Eins on February 05, 2001 at 22:50:24:

Enough with the verbal gymnastics.. Walker is dead on right... You guys keep dreaming up excuses to avoid confronting the real issue...

You keep talking about knowing the added risks, the willingness to assume them, some even argue that they are safer solo than with a buddy, and on and on but then when there is a solo fatality you're now trying to take an even more bizzare position which is that it isn't that they were solo and since no one was around we'll never know...

Well, duh.. That's the very point...

You and Ken can keep playing the name game all you want, buddyless, buddy nearby or whatever the hell you want to call it, and Walker and I will keep pointing out how ridiculously stupid it is...

Ken wrote an article about common sense, maybe you should read the article because you aren't making much sense with this position.. Ken and I agree on very little but we do agree that divers should use common sense and in my view diving with a buddy is common sense...

Ken refuses to answer the question about how he justifies a solo diver but yet tells someone that if they breathe Nitrox they will die.. There is no common sense whatsoever but Ken hides behind an imaginary high road and then avoids the issue.. You are both living in denial...


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