Re: 10 years old Certified Diver., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by MHK on August 06, 2001 at 15:42:57:

In Reply to: 10 years old Certified Diver. posted by Dalia on August 06, 2001 at 12:12:29:


You and I have never met, nor have I seen you in the water or with students.. However, from everything that Wayne tells me you seem to be on top of your game..

That being said, and please correct me if I'm wrong, in that PADI is bound by the American Disability and Discrimination Act.. And by that I mean a PADI instructor is precluded by law from saying that *this 10 year old is able for class, and that 10 year old isn't qualified for class*.. Accordingly, my major problem with such a sweeping and reckless attempt at gaining market share is that as a PADI professional you are precluded under federal law from picking and choosing who is allwed to enroll in your class.. Is there a 10 year old out there that is possibly qualified for a class... My answer is yes... Does that mean under the Disablilty Act that all 10 year olds are qualified... My answer is a resounding NO.. That is why I say PADI is a sellout..... They sell out the less than qualified simply to include the *possible* qualified and at 10 years old I would argue that there are VERY VERY few that are qualified...


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