Some thoughts after the latest tragedy, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by MHK on September 05, 2001 at 15:48:41:

Now that the sumer is behind us and lobster season is getting closer we'll see a somewhat changing of the gaurds.. The skiers will be off the boats and up to the slopes and we'll see the bug hunters filling up the boats.. Hopefully they get in a few warm up dives beofre they jump in..

We are now at 20 fatalities in 18 months and my information is that last month alone at the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber we treated 4 air embolisms and 3 cases of DCS.. Those numbers are factual and only represent the factalities that I'm aware of in SoCal and only represent the Catalina Chamber...

In my view those are some pretty scary numbers and I hope that as we see the new wave of diver's filling up the boats that perhaps some will revisit some of the more aggressive practices that have developed over the years and perhaps take a fresh look at some of the added risks that get advanced here on a daily basis...

Just a thought for the day....


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