Thanks for the advice, gang!

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by DougD on October 13, 2001 at 22:12:47:

All your tips proved very valuable last night on my first night dive:

I got the hooded vest and it kept me toasty warm during my dives. No water down the back of my neck. At least it didn't affect me.

The Light Cannon someone recommended me worked great on my second dive where the visiblity was good. It easily over powered my buddies halogen beam.

Seahunt: All your lobster hunting tips worked like a charm.

MHK: I can see the definite value of have the octo on a bungie around your neck. I have tried two different methods of securing the octo to a d-ring in the triangle and neither is effective. It always comes loose from whatever do-dad I use, and once last night I found it flopping over my left shoulder. Where can I get a neck bungie? Who should I go to to get my regulator hoses reconfigured to DIR standards?

It's getting better all the time.

NOTE: I am definitely getting one of those light mount lobster guages. That would have made measuring a lot easier.

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