Dive Tables vs. Computers

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Posted by Eagle Ray on August 07, 2002 at 10:48:39:

On a similar note to my last post, as a fairly conservative diver, I still use my dive tables after 15 years of diving. I do not own a computer and never have. I keep debating on whether or not to get one and wanted to get some opinions from you guys on this board.

It seems computers give you longer bottom times and are more accurate when it comes to multi-depth dives, but don't they kind of take you to the limit? It seems that tables are much more conservative and I can still get a lot of bottom time using them too. Why should I buy a computer over using my trusty dive tables?

I think it would be interesting to see a comparison of the growth rates in dive computer sales versus the growth rates of DCS cases, adjusted for the increase or decrease in newly certified divers. Anyone know of such a study? I looked at I could see any DAN studies related to this.

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