Killing urchins at Catalina's Casino Point

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Posted by Dr. Bill Bushing on March 07, 2003 at 20:08:54:

I have noticed that a number of divers, including dive instructors with their classes, kill sea urchins in the Catalina Casino Dive Park. While urchins have been a problem elsewhere in our region, they are not in the Dive Park. Perhaps this is because of the high sheephead population in the reserve there.

I would like to remind all divers diving the Park that it is against City ordinances to kill or take marine life in the Dive Park. Instead of killing urchins, use the abundant marine life in the Dive Park to tell the story about how such reserves work to enhance stocks of marine life. This one and the one at Blue Cavern Point near USC work and are good examples. The one in Lover's Cove may not be such a good example due to the continual artificial feeding by glassbottom boat operators. This seems to enhance the numbers of certain fish like opaleye unnaturally.

Many thanks and best fishes!

Dr. Bill

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