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Posted by SteveK on April 30, 2003 at 09:16:13:

In Reply to: Re: BINGO! posted by Bingo Bongo on April 29, 2003 at 15:11:48:

"No, in pointing out there is a problem you just incite bureaucracy at a level where it’s not needed. It just causes anxiety among those who really are not affected by the problem or it’s cause in the first place."

Inciting bureaucracy and anxiety? Put a coke alert on those will ya. If talking about ways to improve our quality of life causes you stress and anxiety then you are not in tune with the wave of the future. Most people want cleaner air and water, healthier food with less toxins and pesticides, healthier seafood and animal protein. I think we should stop using the ocean as our toilet and dumping ground and where else to start cleaning it up this mess but in the good old USA.

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