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Posted by TomR on September 14, 2004 at 14:24:18:

I'm in the market for a full set of gear. I'm thinking of getting the following primary components. While I'll probably stay diving in less that 100 ft., I don't want to have to buy again if I start getting extreme. What do folks think of the following?

1. ScubaPro or not? I'm no brand ho', but I like the thought of worldwide service, a good reputation, and my past experience has been very good with the product. Is it worth the price?

2. Assuming ScubaPro it is, I'm thinking on the following:

A. Knighthawk BC (Any ideas where I can rent one of these before purchasing? I like the feel above water in the shop, but once inflated on the surface, will it make you float on your face?)
B. Air II
C. MK2Plus R390 (I've heard this is fine for all sport diving depths on the one hand and on the other that "it's like sucking through a straw past 60 ft." - what's the deal???)
D. Instead of the MK2Plus R390, I've been told to step it up to the Scubapro MK16/S550 so that I won't have any problems. Is this recommendation well founded? Does anyone know the practical difference between the two options?
E. ScubaPro SmartCom console or Cobra console computer.

Also, to all you non-diveshop owners, what are your thoughts of buying online vs. offline. Every dive shop I go to bags on LeisurePro.

Any thoughts/ideas/venting on all of the above would be very much appreciated.


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