
Re: Spearfishing, diving, and fishing

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Posted by Deb Karimoto on September 16, 2005 at 12:59:26:

In Reply to: Spearfishing, diving, and fishing posted by Elaine on September 16, 2005 at 12:29:50:

Working together and not "us against them" is the best way to work out the problems. MPAs are certainly a good way to help restore fished out areas but XOX wants all fishers exiled to the backside and that is not a way to make nice between the different recreational users of our marine resources. Let's try to work together and not against one another.

My first experience with a group of spearfishers on a dive boat sorta freaked me out when I was a newbie diver because I suddenly felt like a possible target down there. I made it a point to talk to spearos and find out more about it. I've since dived with some and have no lingering issues. Those I've met are careful and law abiding. I think they have every right to bring home dinner just like I have the right to bring home my photos.

Maybe having spearfishers on our commercial dive boats is a good way to interact and know one another. We can all get along if we understand each other's concerns and learn from them.

Yes, overfishing is a problem, but sport fishers are not the larger problem. Our huge population and its huge appetite for commercially fished resources is probably the bigger problem. As long as we buy seafood in restaurants and grocery stores, they'll need to supply the demand. Maybe if we all only ate the seafood we caught ourselves we'd be in better shape. (Not that I'm trying to abolish the commercial fishing industry. Not going there!)

My point is let's agree to work together and not be divisive. Blanket statements such as XOX's are not the way to teach fishers about the value of protecting GSB or scythe butterflyfish. If we want fisherfolks to respect our values then we need to respect theirs, as well.

Debbie Karimoto

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