
Re: It is the broad, rash, statements.

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by MHK on August 23, 2006 at 16:18:21:

In Reply to: It is the broad, rash, statements. posted by Elaine on August 23, 2006 at 15:46:59:


I can't figure some of you out on this list. When I support my arguments, many suggest I sound like a broken record, and then when I go for brievity you claim I "usually don't support my statements with anything except more brash statements-not facts"

Please make up your mind..

Elaine, speaking of broad statements, it seems to me that it is you that is claiming that ankle weights are a necessity for photographers and that seems like quite a broad statement. Ankle weights do NOTHING in the way of helping photographers anymore then they do NOTHING in the way of helping non-photographers. They are simply training wheels for most who never learned to dive a drysuit properly. A simple CG drill will sort out any issues that ankle weights purport to solve. Changing the folcrum point of a diver eliminates the need for any ad hoc gear gimmicks.

But then again, as I said, Elaine I really don't care how you dive but there are many others out there that may read your comments about the "necessity" of ankle weights and think that if you throw a camera in their hand they'll immediately need to go out and waste money on ankle weights, so it is them I am speaking to. If you want to dive with ankle weights, split fins, computers, spare airs, dive trackers, or any other piece of equipment that the dive store can sell you, please feel free to do so, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how to be any more specific then that. However, you shouldn't be surprised that on a public scuba forum, that purports to allow for any and all points of view, that perhaps some will have a differing opinion. You seem to over react much too quickly and appear, in my judgement, to want to claim that you don't want to be in the "karate wars", but then do all you can to get yourself involved in them.

My days of fighting with people such as yourself, on lists such as this are a distant memory to me, I've long moved on from those days. If you want to have wars, please do them with someone else.


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