Steve and Seahunt I've consolidated my response

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Posted by MHK on July 20, 2001 at 10:32:31:

In Reply to: Re: Explanation of *on the fly computing* - LONG posted by Steve on July 20, 2001 at 07:34:50:

As for the deadly gear, I have repeatedly said that they are several pieces of gear that could prove fatal, and have... As such , I wouldn't dive with them..

I've specifically cited upstream regs, which when fail, fail closed.. If that happens your dead.. Avoiding upstream regs and if your reg fails all that will happen is a free flow.. You abort the dive, but your reg will still provide an air source to surface..

Bungee wings are also fatal.. If your bladder leaks the bungee will preclude your bladder from inflating and as such can preclude you from surfacing.. Several deaths have been directly attributed to these wings..

If you guys don't like that rationale' there isn't much I can do about it. Those are my reasons and you are free to do with them as you wish...

As for computers, we hear often that it is too expensive to dive DIR, all evidence to the contrary.. Seahunt, you've indicated in past discussions that you dive with a primary computer and a back up.. That cost what, about $700 or $800??? You also just said that you no longer do anywhere near the extreme diving you used to.. Well than that begs the question.. Why is it so hard to compute on the fly..

Seriously try what I have outlined and after a few dives you'll see that you'll gain the understanding.. Until you try it, don't discount it..

Steve, you mentioned that new diver's can't compute anything.. I strongly disagree and believe that that is dive industry hyperbole.. That is precisely what they want you to believe so you'll have to buy a $400 device...

This stuff is ridiculously easy if taught.. But by shortening the class they tell you they don't have time to teach it so it's better to spend $400 in there shop..

It's the typical symbiotic dive industry two step..

Given that we do it week in and week out it can't be all that complicated since we aren't usually given credit for our brilliance ;-)


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