
966,000 new divers a year is scary

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Posted by Walt on July 06, 2006 at 09:28:23:

In Reply to: So where do "they" stand posted by MHK on July 05, 2006 at 22:02:03:

This means they've had some pool training, some videos, a few classs, two boat dives, maybe a snorkeling lesson, and maybe a beach dive. Maybe all in the warm waters of Hawaii, Cozumel. etc.

Did they have any buoyancy training or are they the ones dragging their fins and consoles across the fragile reefs?

Are these the folks who drift to the surface on a mooring line during thier safety stop, assuming they even make one (but they do hold on for 3 minuutes!)?

Are they the ones who will shoot any game underwater and ask the deckhands when they return if its OK to keep?

Did they practice buddy breathing, mask clearing or other basic skills? Do they continue to practice skills REGULARLY?

Do they retire their equipment after their first encounter with California or other colder waters? (its a shame if they do, as we have some of the best diving the world here)

Have they even been exposed to the very basics of dive physics and physiology?

I say go ahead and keep posting, Michael. Those who visit this board may not agree with all of your points (I don't agree with the concept of wrapping the primary hose around my neck for a normal open water dive), but keep making them and keep being civil. You may keep a newbie from trying something that may cost them thier lives - could be as simple as knowing not to panic when clearing a mask or to know when to not make a dive.

Also, a periodic post on your recent dive exploits would be welcomed reading.

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