
Personal boats and liability

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Posted by Eric S on March 06, 2007 at 18:50:40:

Here's a ligitimate question for someone in the know.

I have a boat that I dive off of and occationally someone whom is a perfect stranger will dive off it usually a friend of someone else I've invited.
One particular time such a person did a dive off my boat and ran into trouble. I was on the boat luckily and was able to get the individual back aboard. Turned out he was fine and that was the end of it.
But that got me thinking, as long as everything is going good we never give it a thought, but what if someone gets hurt diving off your personal boat? what liability issues can result?
Would a personal release form do any good?
Because they are not on a paid charter and there's no agreement that a divemaster is going to save their butt does that release me?

What's the scoop.

I've been hit up lately for a particular, let us say, "event"
involving people who don't have a whole lot of experience.


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