Re: Hypocricy

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Posted by CalAbDiver on July 19, 2001 at 11:24:34:

In Reply to: Re: Hypocracy posted by MHK on July 19, 2001 at 10:58:36:

[notice the spelling correction, Everybody.]

well, Chris, at least when I dived to 173 feet on air off our dive boat without a pony I was wearing a Zeagle Tech B/C.

what you did was unforgivable, diving without a B/C should be a crime.

especially since all those ScubaPro stockholders whos company invented the B/C need the dividends. for shame. how are they going to make any money with guys like you running around ... I mean ... diving around ... without a B/C?

what do you think this is? the 1960s?

dont worry, though, youre not alone. there is ONE GUY who dives off Breakwater beach up here who doesnt wear a B/C either. He feels it is unnecessary. He prefers the way things were done back before the B/C was invented. He should be burned at the stake too.

There should be no room in this world for individuality at all. [I believe that is SeaHunts primary point, if I read him correctly.]

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