Re: Explanation of *on the fly computing* - LONG, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by seahunt on July 19, 2001 at 22:27:41:

In Reply to: Re: Explanation of *on the fly computing* - LONG posted by Steve on July 19, 2001 at 21:35:37:

I still don't see any reason to ditch the computer. It has worked for my diving so well for so long and so conveniently, that I would be foolish to change. Also, I never intend to do diving anywhere near as extreme as I used a computer for in the 80's. Sure, I pay attention to the tables, I've taught people to use them and they did get sorta ingrained over the 16 years I dove before I had a computer, but a computer has worked so much better than the way I was taught to use tables, that there is no relationship between the results. I've considered trying MHK's methods to see the results, it's such a novel idea and I hate to say, but ingenious as well, but there would be no way to make a comprison to his methods without getting a specialized computer and taking it to or near deco range. It's just different information... unless you use a Skinny Dipper :).
MHK tells us how deadly non-DIR gear is, but I really think that the diver is far more important than any gear. I bet MHK could get in my gear and dive just fine and quite safely.
Enjoy, seahunt

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