Re: there is no good excuse for diving a bad mix

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on February 18, 2005 at 11:38:35:

In Reply to: there is no good excuse for diving a bad mix posted by northcoast diver on February 18, 2005 at 10:52:10:

I understand that when I load the boat, I have no
idea where I'm going to be diving. It might be
BallBuster (bottom's 105), it might be Aumentos or
Erics (about 60), it might be the Sailboat and
Amphtrack (about 25). So I dive what I've got.
It's typically 36ish. That works for all of those

To suggest using a small tank to stay within NDLs
is absurd. The 100s are fine on both me and Linda
the 80 is fine on her for more shallow dives.
We want a good reserve in case it hits the fan,
or we have to do a dive to free a stuck anchor.
We're typically back on the boat with about 1000

We rarely dive much below 100 feet. So trimix
isn't terribly interesting, but it it were, it
would likely be 30/30, not 20/40 (or 25/40 which
you were pushing for the same dives a week ago).
And I'll do my own homework. I certainly wouldn't
be look to you for any advice, given our continued
pushing of the "best gas" hogwash.

I've got the dive computer, and I'm keeping it.
It does the job just fine and give me more
bottom time than your plans.

Your ill-thought-out arguments don't apply to my
two, occasionally three, dives a day.
There's no way your foolishness will change my
mind. Stop wasting bandwidth.


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