DM's. Do they help, or are they just a figure head?

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Captain Tim on May 01, 2005 at 21:32:21:

I know this has been brought up before, but once again it needs to be addressed. What is the role of the DM, both legally and perceived?
I have had many, many DM’s on my boat. Just two weeks ago a couple of DM want a be’s left the GE without paying for their air bill and the instructor who was teaching the class backed them up. (Clark who?) Needless to say they will not be DMing on my boat. This, though, is leading to the problem. Why are instructors teaching their DM’s this stuff? Teaching them that they are so important? The perfect DM is the one who is needed when needed, stays out of your way, and helps you with your gear, will answer questions about diving, but most importantly; they watch, wait, and react when needed.
Dave Clark is one of those DM’s. Ken Hill is another. I mention these two DM’s because they both work for Sport Chalet and are two of the best DM’s that I know. There are many others, just trying to make a point.
What do you expect the DM to do, or not to do?

Captain Tim
Great Escape Charters Inc.

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